HIV/AIDS Awareness

November 18, 2017


This one day workshop was organized by the Administrator of the St. Luke’s College and facilitated by Sr. Teresa Dim, FMM. In this workshop, 12 staff and 3 volunteers participated in total.

Firstly, A welcome speech was given by Fr. Girish Santiago, SJ.
After that, Sr. Teresa Dim gave a brief introduction of HIV/AIDS awareness training and followed by pretest question “How well have you acquired knowledge about HID/AIDS?”
After pretest, the facilitator began the training from explain the history of HIV/AIDS. During the training, staff and volunteer fully and actively participated. There were interactive discussion, group work and question & answers.

After the one day training, participants has gained knowledge about HIV/AIDS in large quantities. We have Learned about

  1. Mode of HIV infection
  2. Human Immune System
  3. How HIV infects T4 cells and spreads
  4. Pattern of HIV Disease progression
  5. Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS Disease
  6. Non infected behaviors
  7. Methods of prevention and
  8. Stigma and discrimination